Key Takeaways
- Being a good Pokemon trainer is about personal attachment, not just strength.
- Diversity in Pokemon types is key to success in the metagame.
- New Pokemon types like Stellar bring exciting changes to battle strategies.
The philosophy of the Pokemon series states that everyone should be able to use whatever Pokemon they want. A good trainer doesn’t care about what’s weak or strong but rather what feels good to them. It’s about becoming personally attached to the digital animal enough to care for it. That’s a beautiful notion, but unfortunately flawed.
The reality of Pokemon as a semi-competitive game is that, of course, some Pokemon are better than others. This includes Pokemon types, which are vitally important to the metagame. The rock-paper-scissors element of battles is part of what makes them so engaging. Some types are useful in any team composition. Other types are lacking and fulfill niche roles. They’re all useful, but some are much more versatile.
Updated September 5, 2024, by Blaise Santi: It can often be a topic of debate among Pokemon fans which type is the best and which type is the worst. Of course, every type deserves its place in the game, and there are worthwhile Pokemon of every variety. There are incredible Pokemon with bad type combinations, and there are terrible Pokemon with outstanding type combinations. There’s so much more to each and every Pokemon than just their typing (movesets, abilities, form changes, etc.), but when analyzing how well each type fares on its own in the competitive scene, some are just more versatile than others. Scroll to read up on why these are the best types in the game, and check out new image galleries showcasing all these unique types have to offer.
19 Stellar
There’s Not Much Use For Terapagos’ Type
Type Advantages |
Tera Pokemon |
Type Disadvantages |
None |
Pokemon |
Terapagos (Stellar Form) |
Moves |
Tera Blast, Tera Starstorm |
The final DLC expansion for Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, The Indigo Disk, introduces a brand-new type to the series for the first time since Fairy-type debuted in Gen 6: Stellar. However, this type is not like others in the franchise. As of the Gen 9 games, no Pokemon are naturally Stellar-typed, nor are any moves. Instead, Stellar-types are only super-effective against Terastallized Pokemon.
Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet can Terastallize into the Stellar-type and use it to take advantage of two moves that are usually Normal-type: Tera Blast and Tera Starstorm. Given how mechanics like Dynamaxing, Mega Evolution, and Z-Moves have been left in the past, Stellar probably won’t have any relevance to the series beyond Scarlet & Violet. It’s a neat gimmick, but ultimately one that will be forgotten.
18 Bug
Their Frequency Early On Is A Disadvantage
Type Advantages |
Grass, Psychic, Dark |
Type Disadvantages |
Flying, Rock, Fire |
Pokemon |
Butterfree, Heracross, Galvantula, Volcarona, Golisopod |
Moves |
Bug Buzz, Leech Life, Megahorn, Quiver Dance, Sticky Web |
Despite having some powerful Pokemon in their midst, the Bug type is by far the worst of the traditional eighteen. While moves like Megahorn and Bug Buzz can hit fairly hard, they hit resistances far more often than they do weaknesses. It also doesn’t help that many fully-evolved Bug Pokemon have fairly weak stats overall, especially those met early in each game.
Bug types are fairly common, particularly in grassy areas, and can be quite useful in the early game grind; however, most players don’t carry these guys through to the end. Although considered the weakest Pokemon type, some Bug types give their class a good name, and the typing has even been held by some powerful Mythical Pokemon like Genesect.
17 Ice
Ice-Types Easily Crack Under Pressure
Type Advantages |
Flying, Ground, Grass, Dragon |
Type Disadvantages |
Fighting, Rock, Steel, Fire |
Pokemon |
Alolan Ninetales, Articuno, Abomasnow, Beartic, Cetitan |
Moves |
Blizzard, Freeze-Dry, Hail, Ice Beam, Icicle Spear |
Ice is by no means a bad type offensively, but unfortunately, it has many weaknesses, and its only resistance is against itself. Some examples of powerful Ice types exist, but they typically have a good secondary typing to cover their plethora of weaknesses. All in all, slapping an Ice move onto a Pokemon with a better type combination usually does the job.
On the bright side, Ice-types are some of the few Pokemon capable of taking down a Dragon-type, so it is always beneficial to have at least one of these glacial contenders around, if they can be caught. These extremely rare Pokemon generally hang out near water sources or high mountains, and generally occur later in the game, so it may be hard to fit one onto a team. It’s especially good to find one with a strong secondary type, like Ice/Fairy-type Alolan Ninetales or Water/Ice-type Lapras.
16 Rock
Their Use Is Limited, But They Still Rock
Type Advantages |
Flying, Bug, Fire, Ice |
Type Disadvantages |
Fighting, Ground, Steel, Water, Grass |
Pokemon |
Golem, Sudowoodo, Terrakion, Lycanroc, Garganacl |
Moves |
Ancient Power, Power Gem, Rock Blast, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge |
Many Rock-type Pokemon have bulky defenses, which can make them powerful tanks in the competitive scene. However, they often lack effectiveness against Water and Grass, both of which find ample representation in Pokemon teams. They also tend to have poorer Special Defense stats, though this gets boosted by fifty percent during a Sandstorm.
Despite the common misconceptions, Rock-types can often find usage thanks to their familiarity with Ground-type moves and, often, secondary typings. They can also have devastating attacks against the common Flying-type and Fire-type Pokemon. Additionally, most Fossil Pokemon fall into this category, which can be ideal for players exploring the main story.
15 Grass
Their Many Weaknesses Can’t Counter Healing Moves
Type Advantages |
Ground, Rock, Water |
Type Disadvantages |
Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, Ice |
Pokemon |
Venusaur, Breloom, Tangrowth, Gogoat, Ogerpon |
Moves |
Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Petal Dance, Solar Beam, Trailblaze |
While Grass is a fairly common type, it still has a lot of flaws. For starters, it has five type weaknesses, many of which are abundant in the competitive meta. Its attacks may demolish Ground, Water, and Rock types but fare poorly against many others, including Fire and Steel. Some dual-type Pokemon work as walls, but the Grass type struggles to find much offensive representation.
These nature-loving Pokemon are quite easy to find, as each Generation so far has included a Grass-type among their starter Pokemon options. Their HP draining capabilities can be quite advantageous, with several options available, namely Leech Seed, Absorb, Mega Drain, Horn Leech, and Giga Drain, among many other useful status Attacks. While some trainers may favor Grass-types, using them in battle is sadly an uphill climb.
14 Normal
They Rely On Other Types Far Too Much
Type Advantages |
None |
Type Disadvantages |
Fighting |
Pokemon |
Eevee, Snorlax, Arceus, Stoutland, Bewear |
Moves |
Body Slam, Encore, False Swipe, Hyper Beam, Pain Split |
On one hand, Normal-type Pokemon have access to many moves of widely varying types that make them fairly unpredictable offensively. However, their lack of STAB for these moves makes them weaker than the types they try to emulate, since Normal-type attacks also don’t deal any super-effective damage against any Pokemon, but they can still fill some niche roles competitively.

All Pokemon Based on Foxes
Foxes are beautiful yet elusive animals found in various climates, so it is no surprise that there have been plenty of Pokemon inspired by them.
In Pokemon terms, the word “Normal” is not synonymous with average, as there are some formidable forces within this category capable of utilizing an extensive variety of skills that have stolen the spotlight on more than one occasion. Interestingly enough, these guys receive a classification change-up in the Pokemon TCG, whereby they get grouped in the Colourless class.
13 Poison
As Long As Opponents Aren’t Steel-Type, They’re Toxic
Type Advantages |
Grass, Fairy |
Type Disadvantages |
Ground, Psychic |
Pokemon |
Arbok, Galarian Slowking, Toxicroak, Salazzle, Pecharunt |
Moves |
Clear Smog, Gunk Shot, Poison Jab, Sludge Bomb, Toxic Spikes |
Ever since Gen 6, Poison has received a boost in popularity as a counter against Fairy-types. Even so, it remains fairly weak offensively, as four types resist it, and Steel is completely immune to it. Defensively, however, it serves as a viable option thanks to its minimal weaknesses, as well as status moves such as Toxic and Toxic Spikes that whittle away at the opponent’s health over time.
These toxic Pokemon can be found in an assortment of places but generally prefer to gather around marshy or industrial areas and are about as common as Fire-types. Thankfully, the broken mechanics promptly got fixed after Generation One, whereby Bug- and Poison-types were super-effective against each other, making battles rather redundant.
12 Dark
It Was Designed To Nerf Psychic-Types
Type Advantages |
Ghost, Psychic |
Type Disadvantages |
Fighting, Bug, Fairy |
Pokemon |
Umbreon, Absol, Darkrai, Zoroark, Malamar |
Moves |
Crunch, Dark Pulse, Knock Off, Nasty Plot, Sucker Punch |
Dark is average both offensively and defensively, but its type has a wide array of useful moves at its disposal, from status moves like Taunt and Torment to attacks such as Knock Off and Throat Chop. While these can cause great hindrance to opponents, Dark types still lose out to more commonplace types like Fighting and Fairy.
The relatively rare types do not follow the evolution process with ease, so trainers have their work cut out for them if they wish to see these Pokemon reach their full potential. Their main purpose in life is to balance out the overpowered Psychic forces, for which they have immunity. There are certainly great Dark-types for trainers to add to their teams, but it’s not a huge deal if players forego including a Dark-type in exchange for other, stronger types.
11 Psychic
Special Attackers Reign Supreme
Type Advantages |
Fighting, Poison |
Type Disadvantages |
Bug, Ghost, Dark |
Pokemon |
Alakazam, Mewtwo, Gardevoir, Musharna, Hatterene |
Moves |
Confusion, Hypnosis, Psybeam, Psychic Fangs, Zen Headbutt |
Psychic-types tend to be frail physically, but many Pokemon belonging to this type are special-attacking powerhouses. Their mysterious powers deal heavy damage despite their overall lack of longevity, and Psychic types make short work of opposing physical walls. The only advice is to be wary of opposing Dark, Bug, and Ghost Pokemon, who are all super-effective against it.
Psychic-type Pokemon were originally so overpowered that they were practically invincible, so the creative team had to come up with some new categories (Steel and Dark) in Gen 2 just to counteract them. Of course, the Mythical Mew and Legendary Mewtwo take the cake as the strongest Psychics ever.
10 Flying
Not Many Pokemon Are Purely Flying For A Reason
Type Advantages |
Fighting, Bug, Grass |
Type Disadvantages |
Rock, Electric, Ice |
Pokemon |
Pidgeot, Staraptor, Tornadus, Noivern, Corviknight |
Moves |
Acrobatics, Brave Bird, Hurricane, Roost, Tailwind |
While Flying can take out Grass and Fighting types handily, it often struggles against other common types like Rock and Electric. However, most Flying-types have a secondary typing to circumnavigate this. There wasn’t even a pure Flying-type Pokemon in the franchise until Tornadus in Gen 5, and Flying wasn’t a primary type until Gen 6’s Noibat and Noivern.
Nevertheless, Flying-types also have access to great moves, such as Roost, a recovery move. Generally speaking, a Pokemon’s Flying-type duality can be as much of a positive to a Pokemon’s viability as it is a negative. Nevertheless, some worthwhile competitors have emerged from the Flying class, including the incredible Corviknight, and even Gen 3’s Pelipper, thanks to its access to the ability Drizzle that summons rain upon switch-in.
9 Fighting
Normal-Types Should Be Very Afraid
Type Advantages |
Normal, Rock, Steel, Ice, Dark |
Type Disadvantages |
Flying, Psychic, Fairy |
Pokemon |
Machamp, Lucario, Hawlucha, Urshifu, Annihilape |
Moves |
Close Combat, Counter, Drain Punch, Focus Blast, Quick Guard |
Fighting is the only type capable of causing super-effective damage to Normal types, and also hits hard against more defensive types like Rock and Steel. Many Pokemon with this type have moves and stats that accentuate physical strength, compared to Psychic-type’s proficiency with special attack stats.
Some drawbacks to Fighting-types include their weakness to Fairy-types, as well as their inability to affect Ghost-types. Still, a heavy-hitting Fighting type can make for a great physical sweeper in any competitive team, especially competitive powerhouses like Zamazenta, Blaziken, Hawlucha, and Keldeo.
8 Ghost
A Ghost’s Greatest Enemy Is Itself
Type Advantages |
Ghost, Psychic |
Type Disadvantages |
Ghost, Dark |
Pokemon |
Gengar, Banette, Giratina, Mimikyu, Polteageist |
Moves |
Astonish, Curse, Hex, Shadow Ball, Shadow Sneak |
The mischievous Ghost type has plenty going for it, thanks to being completely immune to both Normal-type and Fighting-type attacks. Many Ghost Pokemon also learn useful status moves like Will-O-Wisp and Destiny Bond, and fill a wide array of combat roles when they’re not being completely shut out by Dark-type Pokemon.
These “spirits” prefer to stay hidden; trainers brave enough to go searching will need to keep their eyes peeled. Since Generation Six, Ghost-types have received substantial updates, most notably, their ability to Flee a battle. Those empowered with accuracy are guaranteed to hit their target every time.
7 Electric
Its Lack Of Weaknesses Helps It Stay Alive
Type Advantages |
Flying, Water |
Type Disadvantages |
Ground |
Pokemon |
Pikachu, Zapdos, Ampharos, Rotom, Boltund |
Moves |
Discharge, Electro Ball, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Volt Switch |
For the most part, Electric-type Pokemon are all about hitting fast and hard. As a defensive type, it’s fantastic; only Ground attacks are super-effective against it. Unfortunately, most Electric Pokemon are frail, making even one powerful hit from a Ground-type move enough to threaten them. Still, they provide solid coverage against common Flying-type and Water-type Pokemon.
Most Electric Pokemon either resemble some kind of rodent or are mechanical in nature, while the majority of this class are purists by nature (consisting of fewer Dual-type forms.) Although quite scarce, Generation Five introduced the largest quantity of Electric-types to the franchise, despite the typing’s scarcity in more recent generations. Players should have no trouble finding the perfect Electric-type Pokemon for their team.
6 Dragon
It Was Once The Strongest Type, But Not Anymore
Type Advantages |
Dragon |
Type Disadvantages |
Ice, Dragon, Fairy |
Pokemon |
Dragonite, Rayquaza, Garchomp, Goodra, Cyclizar |
Moves |
Draco Meteor, Dragon Breath, Dragon Dance, Outrage, Twister |
For a long time, Dragon-type Pokemon reigned supreme in the competitive meta, but even with the addition of the Fairy type, Dragon representatives remain prevalent choices for trainers. While it only hits its own type for super-effective damage, only Steel and Fairy types resist its attacks, making it a good offensive presence.
The World Coronation Series in Pokemon Journeys features a multitude of Dragons (and two Dragon Masters, Iris and Lance), which suggests that ambitious trainers should make a spot for these winged beasts on their team; although, as one of the rarest types around, that is easier said than done. While these Pokemon can be incredible powerhouses, especially given their frequency as pseudo-legendaries, many competitive teams will have solutions for dealing with them.
5 Water
One Of The Most Frequent And Diverse Typings
Type Advantages |
Ground, Rock, Fire |
Type Disadvantages |
Grass, Electric |
Pokemon |
Vaporeon, Suicune, Milotic, Greninja, Palafin |
Moves |
Aqua Jet, Hydro Pump, Liquidation, Rain Dance, Scald |
The Water type is as versatile as its namesake. Whether it be a bulky support Pokemon or a fast sweeper, at least one Water-type Pokemon exists to fill any kind of role in the competitive meta. It also helps that they only have two weaknesses and an extensive movepool that offers great physical, special, and status moves, making them unpredictable in the hands of experienced players.
The most common Pokemon available are also some of the strongest types around, as Water move sets often dominate on the battlefield. Pokemon TCG adds even more individuals to this class, as Ice types are grouped with the Water types (and simultaneously mess with the overall system.) With so many to choose from, standing out of the crowd can be a challenge, but it’s nevertheless a given to include a Water-type on a team.
4 Ground
It Threatens Everything But Flying-Types
Type Advantages |
Poison, Rock, Steel, Fire, Electric |
Type Disadvantages |
Water, Grass, Ice |
Pokemon |
Sandslash, Marowak, Groudon, Excadrill, Ursaluna |
Moves |
Dig, Earthquake, Mud Shot, Sand Attack, Stomping Tantrum |
Ground overlaps with Rock in many ways, but is by far the better standalone type, with far fewer weaknesses. A good number of Ground types are bulky tanks despite not receiving the same stat boost as Rock types in a Sandstorm, with access to incredible attacks like Earthquake and Earth Power that are super-effective against the versatile Steel types.
For some unknown reason, another Pokemon TCG mash-up inserts Ground-types (and Rock) into the Fighting category, breaking the mechanics once again. Ground-type Pokemon are not often selected by Pokemon specialists, with only four major experts to speak of in the franchise (Bertha, Clay, Hapu, and Giovanni). Still, some of the best Legendary Pokemon, like Groudon and Zygarde, are also Ground-types.
3 Fairy
The Newest Official Type Still Shines
Type Advantages |
Fighting, Dragon, Dark |
Type Disadvantages |
Poison, Steel |
Pokemon |
Clefable, Togekiss, Sylveon, Xerneas, Dachsbun |
Moves |
Baby-Doll Eyes, Dazzling Gleam, Fairy Wind, Moonblast, Play Rough |
Despite being one of the newest types, Fairy has cemented itself as a must-have in many teams. Its ability to decimate Dragon types is key, as is its super-effective damage against Fighting and Dark types. Few have moves to threaten Fire and Steel types, unfortunately, but with the right team setup, they still hold their own against a lot of type combinations and frequently-used powerhouses.
Fairy-type Pokemon are more potent than they appear, and their perky, pink-loving personalities should not be taken lightly. Much like in real life, finding a Fairy is a real treat, as they are some of the rarest types around but are certain to bring blessings of good fortune on the battlefield. Even some of the strongest Legendary Pokemon, like Xerneas and Zacian, are pure Fairy-types.
2 Fire
Its Starters Are Popular And Powerful
Type Advantages |
Bug, Steel, Grass, Ice |
Type Disadvantages |
Ground, Rock, Water |
Pokemon |
Charizard, Magmortar, Darmanitan, Volcanion, Centiskorch |
Moves |
Fire Fang, Flamethrower, Heat Wave, Sunny Day, Will-O-Wisp |
Fire is the final starter type to appear on the list and arguably the best of the three. It tears through Grass, Bug, and Steel types with ease, with some even having Grass coverage to challenge opposing Water, Rock, and Ground types. They also have a multitude of resistances to help their otherwise average defenses, making Fire a solid secondary typing.
Video game beginners should pick a Fire-type as their starter if they wish to have a painless first attempt at becoming a Pokemon master, as these no-nonsense elementals have a high level of damage-based attacks. There’s even a good library of Fire-type Legendary Pokemon to choose from. However, they may find themselves struggling in sections of the game where Water-type Pokemon are frequent.
1 Steel
Its Sturdiness Against Other Types Makes It Superior
Type Advantages |
Rock, Ice, Fairy |
Type Disadvantages |
Fighting, Ground, Fire |
Pokemon |
Steelix, Skarmory, Metagross, Aegislash, Copperajah |
Moves |
Bullet Punch, Flash Cannon, Gyro Ball, Iron Defense, Metal Claw |
Nothing comes close to challenging the durability of the Steel type. With ten resistances and an immunity to Poison, Steel is the go-to option for a defensive Pokemon on any team. Even with weaknesses to Fire, Ground, and Fighting, they will soak up damage more often than not. Steel types also serve as one of the few counters to the Fairy type, making them essential in one’s lineup.
Steel Pokemon have grown a lot in popularity since Generation Seven, as their Poison immunity is very advantageous against the phenomenal Ultra Beasts. There have also been some incredible Steel-types in recent years, including Aegislash, who dominated the Uber tier after it was originally introduced in the sixth generation.

Pokemon: 7 Best NPCs, Ranked
The Pokemon games are filled with several memorable NPCs who will often help players on their journeys. These are the best of the bunch.