Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate is the first-ever rogue-lite take on our favorite heroes in a half-shell, blending the fast-paced action of Hades with the charm and personalities of the four Turtles we have come to love.
Unlike the classic 2D beat-em-ups fans are used to, Splintered Fate encourages players to try going as far as possible before trying again but with better upgrades. However, how long does it take to beat Splintered Fate, and what mistakes should you avoid along the way? Here is how much gameplay time you can expect to invest in TMNT: Splintered Fate.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate – How to Get Legendary Turtle Powers
As rare as they are, legendary Turtle Powers are highly powerful and game-breaking in TMNT: Splintered Fate. Here’s how to get them.
How Long It Takes to Beat TMNT: Splintered Fate
It will take you around 7–8 hours on average to complete your first run of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate. This includes clearing four main areas (the Sewers, the Docks, the City, and the Rooftops) and all their combat rooms, their respective four mini-bosses, and finally, Shredder, the end-game boss—all in a single continuous run.
Being a rogue-lite game, it is impossible to beat Splintered Fate on your first attempt. You are meant to keep trying and failing by design. Every run is an opportunity to unlock more upgrades, making your Turtles stronger for the next run.
Since you start with nothing, your first few runs will likely take under an hour, while the following runs can be completed in around 30 minutes. It is difficult to suggest how many runs exactly are needed to beat Shredder, but the aforementioned 7–8 hours of gameplay time is enough to improve your stats and beat TMNT: Splintered Fate.
Leonardo’s Shuriken Build is incredibly powerful, allowing you to quickly clear rooms with agility and precision. It is one of the easiest builds to make to beat Splintered Fate.
However, beating Shredder once does not exactly mean you have beaten the main storyline. You have to successfully complete eight individual runs to unlock the true ending of Splintered Fate and bring Splinter home. This can be done with any character. You are not limited to completing all eight runs with the same Turtle.
The true ending will, however, require you to invest another 3–4 hours to unlock, making it around 10 hours on average for all eight playthroughs.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate also features several Portal and Gauntlet challenges to beat during each run. These are unlocked after beating Shredder and are purely optional. However, they reward additional materials and currency to upgrade your Turtles faster. Portal and Gauntlet challenges also have their own achievements/trophies. So, if you are a completionist, it can take around 15–17 hours on average to 100-percent complete Splintered Fate.