Key Takeaways
- The fan-designed Ghost-type Kricketune received positive feedback and suggestions for names and abilities.
- Kricketune, a Gen 4 Bug-type Pokemon, has not seen significant attention or new forms in the series.
- Revitalizing Kricketune with a new form or evolution could make it more popular, as seen with past Pokemon mechanics like Mega Evolutions.
A Pokemon fan has shared their design for what Kricketune could look like if it had a Ghost-type variant. The Pokemon fanart has received a lot of praise from players, with several suggesting names and abilities the Pokemon could have.
Kricketune is a bug-type Pokemon that was introduced way back in Gen 4, but hasn’t seen much attention since. The Pokemon has been featured in the Pokemon anime fairly rarely, and hasn’t received any new forms, evolutions, or variants. With so many Pokemon in the series, it’s somewhat understandable for some to fall by the wayside, but it seems a Kricketune Ghost-type variant like this one is something a lot of fans would like to see.
Reddit user and artist colonnart has shared art demonstrating what a Ghost-type Kricketune could look like. While the design has changed up Kricketune’s color scheme considerably, it’s still plenty recognizable for fans of the cricket-like Pokemon. Kricketune is now primarily purple with blue and pink accents and orange wings. Kricketune’s antenna, feelers, and hands have more wispy ends, with it looking like they’re emitting miasma. Kricketune’s feet, on the other hand, have disappeared entirely, and its wings have a tattered and almost damaged appearance.
While the fan artist didn’t provide any stats or information about the Kricketune, fans have helped to fill in the blanks. A couple suggested names like Kricketomb and Kricketaunt, while another recommended a new ability for the Pokemon. Their idea is Haunting Tone, which would convert sound-based attacks into Ghost-type attacks instead. A few also mentioned wanting this particular Kricketune variant in the actual games. The artist seemed to be fond of the names and the ability concept, and was especially thankful for all the positive attention the post received.
Kricketune is a bit unusual, as it has some of the worst base stats for a final evolution in the series. This may make it unappealing to use on a player’s team, so revitalizing the Pokemon with a new form or evolution could make it popular among players. Pokemon is constantly introducing new gimmicks and mechanics like Mega Evolutions, Gigantamax, and Paradox Pokemon, tweaking existing Pokemon into new and unique forms that are often more useful in battle than their standard versions. While this particular fan’s version of Kricketune won’t be appearing in official games, it seems that the audience would be interested in seeing a new version of Kricketune.

Pokemon is a franchise that needs no introduction. One of the most successful media empires in history, Pokemon spans games, television, films, manga, merchandise, music, and more.
- Created by
- Satoshi Tajiri