Risk of Rain 2
Risk of Rain 2 has 7 different types of items in its arsenal. Players can get normal white items, rare green items, legendary red items, purple void items, blue lunar items, orange equipment, and gold boss items. Teleporter bosses will always drop a green item when killed, but there’s a 15% chance that they will drop their specific gold boss item instead.
These items aren’t as powerful as legendary items but are rarer than the normal green items. Though they don’t offer a lot of options for the player, they are quite useful in the right situations. Players can also gain a gold item if they use the Trophy Hunter’s Tricorn.
6 Empathy Cores
Regenerating Commander Drones
There’s no doubt that drones are some of the least productive ways to use gold in Risk of Rain 2. They die easily, don’t have a very intelligent AI controlling their actions, and cost a lot of money to bring back to life. However, Empathy Cores gold boss item spawns two drones called Solus Probes, which gain more damage the more allies that the player has.
Allies include any entity that has a health bar on the player’s UI, including ghosts spawned by Happiest Mask, a legendary item that doesn’t work well on its own. If the player has Empathy Cores, it makes sense to revive as many drones as possible to increase the damage dealt by the Solus Probes.
Drops From | Solus Control Unit |
Description | Recruit a pair of Solus Probes that gain power with more allies. |
5 Shatterspleen
Critically Bleeding Enemies
There’s no doubt that critical hits are the most powerful effect in Risk of Rain 2. Therefore, it stands to reason that an item that improves the effect of critical hits is powerful as well. However, that isn’t necessarily the case for Shatterspleen. It is decently powerful, but not as good as one might think at first.
The item makes critical hits bleed enemies, causing them to explode right after. This item gives the player a good AoE option, but there are many other items, such as Will-o’-the-wisp, which has a similar effect and are much easier to find. If players don’t have guaranteed crits, they can utilize normal bleeds, caused by the Tri-tip Dagger, to trigger an explosion as well. If the player is doing a run with the Artifact of Command, getting the Shatterspleen to complement their already existing critical hit build is a good option.
Drops From | Imp Overlord |
Description | Critical strikes always bleed enemies. Bleeding enemies now explode. |
4 Mired Urn
Vampirism Never Looked So Green
The best way to ensure long runs is to do a lot of damage and dodge every attack possible, living long enough to kill everything. However, nobody is perfect, and mistakes happen. That’s where the healing items come in, increasing the survivability of the player after they get hit, letting them recoup from damage and come back even stronger.
The Mired Urn drains the health of one enemy (per stack) near the player, dealing 25% damage every 0.25 seconds in the process. All the damage dealt counts towards the player’s healing, making it one of the best healing items in the game. The higher the player’s damage, the more healing they receive.
Drops From | Clay Dunestrider |
Description | Siphon health from nearby enemies while in combat. |
3 Little Disciple
The Best Offense Is Running Away
The most common thing that players will do during any given run is to run away. The most important part of the Risk of Rain 2 is to not get hit. Tanking hits is a surefire way to an early grave, so dodging is extremely important. Sprinting is a good way to dodge many attacks, since it buys time to refresh survivor abilities, letting the player start the offensive anew.
However, Little Disciple makes even sprints deal damage, spawning a homing wisp every 1.6 seconds when the player is sprinting. These wisps do decent damage, and their spawn rate increases the more movement speed the player has. Since only the sprinting movement speed matters in this case, the Energy Drink synergizes extremely well with this boss item.
Drops From | Grovetender |
Description | Fire tracking wisps while sprinting. |

Risk of Rain 2: How to Downpatch
Players can switch back to an old patch of Risk of Rain 2, though the process can be a bit difficult for those unfamiliar with tech.
2 Molten Perforator
Volcanic Eruptions
The Molten Perforator is just another item that the players can create proc chains with. Each hit that the player does has a 10% chance of spawning three magma balls, each of which has a proc coefficient of 0.7, which is incredibly high. If all three magma balls hit a target, there is a high chance that they’ll start a proc chain. These magma balls deal 300% damage and ignite enemies.
Since the magma balls spawned from the Molten Perforator don’t have any tracking, they tend to miss a lot against small enemies. However, they show a great effect against large enemies, like the Grandfather or Elder Lemurians.
Drops From | Magma Worm |
Description | Chance on hit to fire magma balls. |
1 Charged Perforator
Electric AtG on Steroids
With the Charged Perforator in the inventory, every hit that the player does has a 10% chance of calling down a lightning strike which deals 500% damage against the enemy. The best part is that the lightning strikes have a 1.0 proc coefficient, so they can trigger on-hit effects like Bleed, AtG’s, Kjaro’s, Runald’s Bands, etc.
The high proc coefficient and high damage output of this item make it extremely attractive. Though the Molten Perforator is better against larger enemies, the Charged Perforator is great against smaller enemies as well as larger ones, making it the better choice in most situations.
Drops From | Overloading Worm |
Description | Chance on hit to call down a lightning strike |