- Classic RPG franchises like Breath of Fire could benefit from a shift to action-based combat for a fresh experience.
- Fans eagerly anticipate a combination of time travel elements and action gameplay in a potential Chrono Trigger sequel.
- The Xenoblade Chronicles series is poised for an action RPG shift, building upon its existing fast-paced combat mechanics.
The best part about any video game franchise is evolution. Remember the first time Mario went into 3D? It was a magical experience for all who grew up not just with Mario but all 2D platformers. Games can evolve past just new dimensions though.

7 JRPGs With Unique Turn-Based Combat Systems
These games stand out from the crowd in the JRPG genre by featuring unique turn-based combat systems.
For example, Final Fantasy began as a turn-based RPG which lasted all the way up until Final Fantasy 15. Yes, there were action-based spinoffs before that but the mainline series branching off was a big deal. Was it the right move? That’s a good question because the fans are split. They might equally be split on these classic turn-based franchises coming back as action games, but let’s give these ideas a shot. Maybe these franchises could dip their toe into the action genre with a spinoff or two first.
Breath Of Fire
Like A Dragon
Breath of Fire has been a long-dormant Capcom franchise on consoles for a while when it used to be one of their biggest RPGs. Like Final Fantasy, each iteration was unique and mostly unconnected to a previous title beyond names and concepts. For example, the main character is always a blue-haired boy named Ryu who can transform into various dragons.
There’s never been a console spinoff in the series that has engaged with action combat nor has any of the main games used action gameplay. The idea of hacking and slashing at enemies and then turning into various dragons sounds like a cool idea for a combat system. If Capcom decides to revive this classic series, they should consider bringing it back as an action RPG and not to mobile devices again.
Chrono Trigger
Breaking Through Time
- Released
March 11, 1995
- How Long To Beat
23 Hours
Fans of Chrono Trigger have been waiting for a sequel after Chrono Cross was released for the PS1 in 2000. Both games are great, but Chrono Trigger is definitely the game that holds a place in the annals of RPG history for most. There were rumors for a long time that a third entry, Chrono Break, was in the works but no official trailer or artwork ever leaked of that project if it was ever real.
What made the game classic was its forward-thinking ideas from non-random battles to the time travel plot line. Chrono Cross was more about visiting alternate dimensions rather than traveling through time. A third entry could perhaps combine the two ideas while also integrating action gameplay into the combat system to help keep it fresh with modern ideas.
Golden Sun
A More Zelda-Like Approach
Golden Sun is one of Nintendo’s lost RPG franchises that hasn’t seen a new game beyond the DS. All three games have been traditional turn-based RPGs but there was always an action element to exploration. The heroes of each game were given psychic and elemental powers that they could use to solve puzzles in dungeons.

7 JRPGs With Customizable Skills & Attack Combos
With an abundance of customization options available, players will never get bored tweaking their character skills and attacks in these JRPGs.
For example, players could conjure a giant hand to push or pull columns onto switches to open up new pathways. It was a very Zelda-like approach to the dungeons so Golden Sun could go the distance and become a fully integrated Zelda-style action RPG. A party could still follow the hero around similar to other action games like the Tales of or Star Ocean franchises to help Golden Sun feel less like a Zelda clone and more like its own thing.
Pokeball, I Choose You!
Pokemon fans have been waiting for Nintendo and Game Freak to leap into the action genre forever. They came so close with Pokemon Legends: Arceus as it allowed players to catch Pokemon without fighting and combat was quicker to get into. Then it was dialed back for the next generation of games via Pokemon Violet and Pokemon Scarlet.
It would be great if players could finally take control of the Pokemon in real time. There have been monster-catching games that have attempted this gameplay style like the Ni no Kuni series, but as always Pokemon can help innovate the genre. Granted, programming a thousand Pokemon into a game to be manually controlled would be challenging, so the developers would have to limit their selections but it could be done.
Voice Of Cards
Card-Based Dungeon Crawling
Voice of Cards exploded with three games in a short amount of time including Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars, Voice of Cards: The Forsaken Maiden, and Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden. All three games feature new parties but they all played similarly. Players would get a party and rank up like a traditional RPG albeit with card-based battles.
Players were given chess pieces to move around various boards from fields to dungeons, making it a minimalistic dungeon crawler. While that may sound cheap from a production standpoint, the art design helped keep it entertaining. It would be fantastic if Square Enix put more into the next game though with fully realized towns, dungeons, enemies, and character models. The switch to action gameplay could still use cards too like Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories.
Wild Arms
Give Borderlands A Run For Their Money
Wild Arms
Wild Arms seems most fitting for an action game upheaval. The last game released, not counting mobile devices, was Wild Arms XF on the PSP which was a tactical RPG spinoff. The last mainline game, Wild Arms 5, was on the PS2 so entire generations have flown by this PlayStation console exclusive series.

7 Best Action JRPGs That Are Not Part Of A Franchise
Do you remember any of these forgotten stand-alone action RPGs?
What made Wild Arms stand out from other turn-based RPGs of the era was the theming around Westerns with plenty of horse, desert, and cowboy action. Reinventing the series as a third-person RPG shooter could help bring in new fans. It shouldn’t be a gritty action shooter like Devil May Cry either and instead keep the lighthearted adventure alive sort of like a cross between the Ratchet & Clank games and the Borderlands series.
Xenoblade Chronicles
Halfway There Already
Xenoblade Chronicles is already halfway there to an action RPG but it just needs another push. All four games in the series feature MMO-style combat wherein characters automatically attack enemies once targeted without battle traditions. Players can input skills and other combos to break enemies, so there is some input involved too.
It’s a very fast-paced, action-oriented series already so Monolith Soft should just go the extra mile and test out action combat. They’ve never attempted action gameplay with the various “Xeno” projects before including Xenogears on the PS1 and the Xenosaga trilogy on the PS2. Maybe they’re already planning the next “Xeno” game to focus on action gameplay for the Switch 2. They have made action RPGs before like Soma Bringer on the DS.